Friday, August 1, 2008

the missing captions

I suppose I should mention why I've put these pictures up, and what they are:

The first two are in Vernon, with Heather and Allison, and more of the wonderful Harkers.

Next is the lake in Three Valley, toward evening. I guess this photo is pretty similar to the Kenomee pic

A shot of one of the perhaps half-dozen avalanche sheds I had to bike through after Glacier Nat. Park, I think. I hid from my first rainstorm in one of them. A bit nerve-wracking.

Next are Saskia and Marco fom Holland. I spent the better part of two days with these two, and Dean. We hid from the rain in the cooking shelter at the Takkakaw campground in Glacier and then ended up reconnecting in Lake Louise. Amazing folks.

A butterfly I saw in Yoho Nat. Park. The moneyshot out of maybe fifteen.

Remo Bruppacher. A super-cool Swiss boy that ended up hanging out at my campsite three days in a row. We spent a lot of time trying to communicate in German, Swedish and English. Lots of pointing at objects and naming them, motioning, and so on. His parents made me coffee two mornings.

Remo doesn't exactly have a steady hand, but this is the best picture I have of myself at the moment. The hat feels right for life on the road. I've appreciated it in the sun and the rain.

Heather flowers above the treeline in Glacier.

My lunch spot on the first epic hike, of two. Probably the coolest spot I've eaten lunch recently, on a ridge overlooking two different glaciers.

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